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Original Samsung Galaxy Buds 2019 Garansi Resmi SEIN Earphone Earplug

Rp 2,150,000
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Tanggal Posting: 14-04-20   Tanggal Edit: 14-04-20
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Judul Original Samsung Galaxy Buds 2019 Garansi Resmi SEIN Earphone Earplug
Harga Rp 2,150,000
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Jakarta D.K.I. > Jakarta Timur > Jatinegara

Deskripsi Original Samsung Galaxy Buds 2019 Garansi Resmi SEIN Earphone Earplug

Original Samsung Galaxy Buds 2019 Garansi Resmi SEIN Earphone Earplug

100% Original Resmi Samsung SEIN

Ready Warna: White ONLY

Quick pairing out of the box

Just pop open and pair. Galaxy Buds work right

out of the box, connecting with your Galaxy devices

in an instant via Bluetooth to get you up to the beat

and well on your way.

Fuller sound to get you really moving

Acoustic specialists sound by AKG have tuned Galaxy Buds to deliver incredibly rich,

High Resolution live sound – dropping you front row at the gig, even when you’re not there

Pocketable slim design on the go

Slip them in your pocket and go. Galaxy Buds feature a newly refined design that makes them

so compact they fit in comfortably with the rest of your belongings.

They also come in standard color options that blend right in to your daily routine.

Get your voice across clearly

Our next-generation adaptive dual microphone technology makes background

noise a thing of the past. Galaxy Buds recognize your surroundings, switching between inner and outer

mics to keep unnecessary noise out of your conversation.

Connectivity Bluetooth 5.0

Profile: A2DP, AVRCP, HFP

Codec: Scalable (Samsung proprietary), AAC, SBC

Sensor Accelerometer, Proximity, Hall, Touch

Compatibilty Samsung, other Android: Android 5.0 or higher & RAM 1.5GB above

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