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Headset Bluetooth Redmi Airdots TWS Earphone Bluetooth seperti Airpod Original 99%

Rp 199,000
Hubungi Penjual

Dilihat: 570
Tanggal Posting: 14-04-20   Tanggal Edit: 14-04-20
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Judul Headset Bluetooth Redmi Airdots TWS Earphone Bluetooth seperti Airpod Original 99%
Harga Rp 199,000
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Hubungi penjual Klik Disini

Jakarta D.K.I. > Jakarta Barat > Cengkareng

Ori 99% = Ori OEM
Apa beda dengan Ori 100%?
'Sama aja Kualitas suaranya , bedanya keluar dari pabrik beda aja'


Kelengkapan :
1 x Xiaomi Mi Redmi AirDots Lite TWS Bluetooth Earphone
2 x Set Eartips
1 x Manual

Xiaomi Redmi AirDots merupakan Bluetooth 5.0 earphone memiliki bentuk mirip seperti Apple Airpods dengan tambahan microphone dan koneksi bluetooth.

Waterproof IP 4
cocok untuk gym, splash proof

Fast second
Automatic seconds connection, you can use headphones

Bluetooth 5.0
A new generation of Bluetooth technology for faster and more stable connections

Comfortable to wear, free to adjust, not easy to fall off

12h long battery life
With the charging box, brush 6 movies

Binaural multi-function button for easy control of music and phone

Voice control
Summon voice assistant, voice control mobile phone
support ( Little love classmate, Siri, Google Voice Assistant

AirDots hidden skills:
summon AI voice assistant, find mobile phone,
open navigation, send WeChat, take a photo
You can navigate to the navigation by double-clicking any of the headset multi-function keys to wake up the voice assistant. You can focus on driving and the route has already been planned for you. Have a meal with a friend, or you can reach the destination in advance via the voice assistant WeChat friend.

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