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UPS Online 1 kVA Brand Emmerich, Original.

Rp 7,210,000
Hubungi Penjual

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Tanggal Posting: 04-10-19   Tanggal Edit: 04-10-19
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Judul UPS Online 1 kVA Brand Emmerich, Original.
Harga Rp 7,210,000
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Hubungi penjual Klik Disini

Jakarta D.K.I. > Jakarta Barat > Kebon Jeruk

Ups CMP -ER. Backup time 26-30 menit.

UPS Emmerich, Bergaransi Resmi.
UPS 1 kVA, Online UPS.
Garansi 5 Tahun Servis, 1 Tahun Sparepart

Emmerich's Compact Pro series is a UPS range in a tower format equipped with on-line double-conversion technology and the latest features to make it an advanced protection system for sensitive and critical loads. High output power factor (PF=0.8) to ensure availability to all types of loads. Compact Pro range is available in 1-2-3-6-10kVA single-phase models

Compact Pro offering the highest levels of reliability and protection for critical servers, voice and data processing IT systems. For facilities that require more back-up time, Compact Pro (ER models) can be fitted with large capacity battery extension which built in internal extra charger.

In terms of status information, each Compact Pro has a built-in with an LCD display to show input and output voltages, load, UPS operating status information and battery charge status. Emmerichs Compact pro is a totally new design, fully microprocessor controlled and constructed to achieve the highest levels of operating efficiency and configuration options.

o True double-conversion
o Microprocessor control optimizes reliability
o Output power factor 0.8
o Wide input voltage (110V 300V) based on load at 50%
o Converter mode available
o ECO mode for energy saving (Only available for 1-3KVA)
o Generator compatible
o Smart SNMP works well with either USB or RS-232 together
o Comprehensive display allows easy monitoring and access of UPS status
o Input power factor correction
o Adjustable battery number only available for 6K and up models
o Optional isolation tran

HUBUNGI KAMI Jika anda berminat dengan STABILIZER,UPS
Phone :+62 21 5698 1101 (Hunting) Fax :+62 21 5698 1102
WA : 0857-7939-9805

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